Side event highlights EU support for the Biological Weapons Convention implemented by UNODA

May 5th, 2016

eucouncil-unodaOn 27 April, the European Union organized a side event at the Preparatory Committee for the Eighth BWC Review Conference. The side event marked the official launch of EU Council Decision 2016/51/CFSP in support of the BWC. H.E. Mr Peter Sørensen, Ambassador, Head of the European Union Delegation to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Geneva and Ms. Mary Soliman, Acting Director, Geneva Branch, UNODA highlighted in their keynote addresses the importance of this Decision, which provides EUR 2.34 million to six BWC projects over the next three years. The projects will be implemented by the Geneva Branch of UNODA, in close cooperation with the BWC Implementation Support Unit. This EU Decision represents the fourth major EU contribution in support of the BWC since 2006. Over the past 10 years the EU has contributed more than EUR 6.3 million to the universalisation and strengthening of the BWC. H.E. Ms. Beatriz Londoño Soto, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Geneva, H.E. Mr. Deepak Dhital, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Nepal to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Geneva and H.E. Mr. Eloi Laourou, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative of Benin to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Geneva shared in their statements the perspectives from previous beneficiary countries. Dr Jean-Pascal Zanders, Project Coordinator UNODA, informed attendees about the four EU-funded, regional workshops that will be held between June and September 2016 in support of preparations for the Eighth BWC Review Conference which will take place in November 2016 in Geneva.



Mary Soliman, Acting Director, Geneva Branch, United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs



Andras Kos, Head of Section – Disarmament,Non-Proliferation and Security – Permanent Delegation of the European Union



Peter Sørensen, Head of the European Union Delegation to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Geneva





Author: UNODA

Photos: EU Mission’s Flickr page